The Club is delighted to announce a new partnership with Soaring Falcon Accountancy.
Soaring Falcon Accountancy is an innovative, forward thinking digital firm. Working with start ups and established businesses to help them grow. Tailor made bespoke services. Passionate about technology and accounting. Committed to business success.
For real-time up to date financials, effortless bookkeeping and paperless Accounting services get in touch!
Are you looking to work for an innovative accounting firm?
Soaring Falcon Accountancy are hiring and looking for talented individuals.
Send your cv and covering letter to
As a result of the partnership with Soaring Falcon the Club have been able to purchase a number of new game balls, and we would like to thank them for their support.
Contact: 01234 834 520, Innovation Centre, Priory Business Park
Stannard Way, Bedford, MK44 3RZ
Twitter: @SFAccy
Keep up-to-date with the latest news, squad details and events with out new mobile app for iOS and Android: